Canadian photographer-filmmaker Rita Leistner turns her lens on the denizens of a tree planting camp in British Columbia...
"The documentary brings across all the tension, excitement and trepidation that participants felt. It is an inspirationa...
The film follows XR’s founders as they rally activists for the largest nonviolent civil disobedience event this generati...
"This documentary should rightfully double up as a canny handbook on how to conduct civil disobedience." No Tory would...
Conscientious Protectors puts you right in the middle of the beginnings of the Extinction Rebellion movement. The film f...
‘It’s about learning the values of an elder generation, about how to prioritize.’ In 2015, Naomi Mark thought she wa...
BEES AND BUSHFIRES To our Demand Film community. There's not a single Australian unaffected by the bushfires. We m...
What If We Got to Decide What's Playing at the Megaplex? 'When The Storm Fades is being shown in cinemas across Canada...
The verdict is in! Still haven't reserved your tickets to When The Storm Fades? Read the articles below to see why you n...
Much of the American agricultural industry is heavily reliant on one thing — honey bees. Pollinators, like the honeybee,...
When most of us think of bees, we think of honey. But we often don't think about the vital role bees play in feeding us...
Supermarket giant Coles is under fire over its latest marketing campaign - giving out free mini plastic toys with purc...
It's been labelled the best retail promotion in Australian history. @Coles' Little Shop campaign is back in stores - i...
Campaigners are calling for a boycott of Coles Little Shop toys because they are made of plastic. The supermarket...
Dance of the Honey Bee is a visually rich documentary short film by Director of Photography and beekeeper Peter Nelson....
I never get tired of watching bees. My 30 years of beekeeping attests to that. I became fascinated with the smal...
Japan has resumed commercial whaling after 31 years, meeting a long-cherished goal of traditionalists that's seen as a l...
Peloton Against Plastic Filmmakers Paul Hellier and Jamie Lepre "drop their dacks" to draw attention to the 2 billion +...
OUR MISSION: To travel responsibly, highlight projects making a difference and have a good old time. Plastic is chokin...
Demand Film launched BLUE globally on WORLD OCEANS DAY after an incredible season in Australia (that shows no signs of s...
My father loved the sea his whole life. He went underwater in the 1940s with a homemade kerosene helmet with a cut-out a...
I definitely had an idyllic childhood growing up on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia. I lived on a waterfront a...
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